Terms and Conditions

The contents of Ultra Agent are owned by Ultra Agent and are protected by the laws of the United States. Ultra Agent provides a website service. Clients shall have no proprietary rights to the websites built using Ultra Agent, the Ultra Agent website generation software, website content provided by Ultra Agent, and related documentation, or any enhancements or modifications thereto. Users may not copy, transcribe, distribute, disassemble, modify, or reverse-engineer any Ultra Agent website generation software and/or content.

Ultra Agent offers a 15-day free trial with no credit card required and no obligation required. The free trial cancels automatically after 15 days and the client does not have to do anything for the trial to cancel. At anytime during the trial, the client can sign up and make a payment. Once a client signs up and makes a payment, the trial ends and the client is now an active account.

The term of usage of Ultra Agent services is month to month, unless a longer period is subscribed for by the client in which event the term is for the duration of the subscription period. All terms (monthly, 6 months, 12 months) are renewed automatically for the same length of term unless cancelled. Ultra Agent waves the IDX setup fee for the Ultra Agent IDX setup, approval, and integration into the client website. The client agrees they will keep the Website with Ultra Agent IDX for a minimum of 3 months. If the client chooses to cancel the Website with Ultra Agent IDX within the first 3 months, the client agrees they will be charged a $100 IDX setup fee. Ultra Agent does not provide partial or prorated refunds of any kind. Six (6) and twelve (12) months of service will be provided for six (6) or twelve (12) months and will not be refunded, or partially refunded, if a client chooses to discontinue service with Ultra Agent at anytime during the term. Ultra Agent requires a 30-day cancellation notice. Once the cancellation is received, the client agrees they will be charged one last payment. If you are paying through PayPal, all account cancellations are made by cancelling your subscription through PayPal. If you are paying through Ultra Agent, cancellations are made by submitting a support ticket requesting cancellation and the client further agrees they will submit a support ticket to cancel. Ultra Agent does not accept email or phone cancellations and client further agrees they are not able to cancel via phone or email. Ultra Agent offers a subscription website service, which means Ultra Agent will make the service available to you whether you use it or not. The client agrees that it is up to them to cancel the service if they are not using it.

Ultra Agent may immediately terminate the services in the event the client commits any act of default under any term of this policy. Any use by the client of Ultra Agent for purposes other than those for which it is intended or conduct by the client or unauthorized use of Ultra Agent system resources that results in any disruption of the normal use constitutes grounds for immediate termination of the Ultra Agent services. Clients may not remove or hide any references to Ultra Agent from their website including the Copyright notices, logos, and/or links to Ultra Agent. If Ultra Agent is unable to charge your monthly payment for services provided or if Ultra Agent receives notification of a chargeback, payment dispute, reversal, or is charged a fee for any previously charged payment, Ultra Agent reserves the right to immediately terminate/cancel any and all services, with or without notice to the client.

Ultra Agent provides no assurance that a particular request for a domain name will be available. If Ultra Agent registers a domain name for a client, we register it for a year's term and require a 3-month commitment by the client. After a year, if the client is stil an active client, we can transfer the domain name to the client at no cost. If the client is still an active paying client during the renewal of the domain name, Ultra Agent will renew the domain name at no cost to the client. If the client cancels, Ultra Agent may not renew the domain name. The client understands that the domain name if not renewed will be lost. The client has up to 1 year after cancelling to request to ask for the domain name to be transferred to them. The client further understands that they can't ask for the domain name to be transfered to them after 1 year of cancelling. Ultra Agent websites and services are all non-transferable to other agents, web sites, users, re-sellers, website hosting companies, or any other entities at anytime.

Ultra Agent gives no warranty of any kind, guarantee, expressed or implied under any circumstance, including compatibility and damages for loss profits, business interruption, or other mercantile loss. The client agrees that he/she shall not hold Ultra Agent liable for any incidental or consequential damages that arise from using Ultra Agent services. Ultra Agent disclaims all implied warranties. The client agrees to indemnify Ultra Agent from any and all claims, actions, costs and losses resulting from any act or omission on the part of the client or any default or breach by the client of any provision of this policy.

The client is responsible for adopting reasonable measures to limit the impact of problems on their computers, installing plug-ins, updates, and adopting procedures to ensure the accuracy of input data; examining and confirming selections submitted for their site; identifying and correcting errors and omissions. Success of Ultra Agent websites and services will be indicated by being loaded and used on a fully functional computer with appropriate working operating system and the latest Internet Explorer browser. Access to the internet will be provided by a separate Internet Service Provider (ISP) to be contracted by the client and who will not be party to this agreement.

The client agrees that if IDX services are acquired through an Ultra Agent IDX partner, that the client can't move the IDX to another partner company without first paying a $100 transfer fee. Ultra Agent does a lot of work on our side with no setup fees and therefor can't let our work of the IDX setup be moved to another partner of the IDX company without first paying this $100 transfer fee.

All services provided by Ultra Agent may be used for lawful purposes only. Transmission, storage, or presentation of any information, data or material in violation of any United States Federal, State or City law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, material that is threatening or obscene, material that is "adult only" content, or material protected by trade secrets and other statue. Ultra Agent will be the sole authority as to what constitutes a violation of this provision.

If this policy meets with your approval and agreement to be bound by it, your payment indicates acceptance.

Last updated: December 5, 2024

Responsive Websites and Responsive IDX for Mobile Friendly Solutions

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